Thursday, April 10, 2008


Holi, the Hindu holiday of going apeshit and throwing bright colored powders and liquids all over yourself, your city, and everyone around you, is fun. We headed out in the morning to Jawaharlal Nehru University a reputed "safe zone" to celebrate. Rumors had circulated that the whole big party started around 8am and that the gates to the university were going ot be closed to prevent overcrowding. So at 7am, me, my roomate Pat, my friends Matt, Erin and Phil who were visiting delhi and I took to the streets.

After Divali (which continues to reappear in occasional nightmares!) I had no idea what to expect. At 8am, the streets were pretty normal seeming. And then across the street I saw a man with a huge pink splotch across his back. hmmmm. then a rickshaw drove by with neon burst on its rooftop. hmmm

We got to JNU relatively unscathed and sure enough a crowd was forming in one of quads. people nonchallantly walking up to one another and just smearing color all over each other and then exchaning hugs, saying "happy holi" and walking on. kind of like jackson pollock goes trick-or-treating..but in the morning...with booze.

JNU was fun and by about 9am was really rowdy. We had our fill and caught wind of a massive farmhouse party about an hour outside delhi. After spending a half hour driving and an hour and a half asking directions, we arrived at a massive all-you-can-drink, all-you-can-eat, all-the-colored-powder-you-can-throw party with four DJ sets and a circle of outdoor showers spraying blue-colored water in the middle of a huge perfectly manicured lawn. And here is the kicker, its was only 1pm, we were the first ones there! imagine showing up with ten friends at such a scene!

10 hours later, at around 11pm we departed the party, insanely tired (8am to 11pm is no joke) looking a lot like a gang of smurfs.

it was such a fun day. I am celebrating holi every year from now on. period.

The Bar Mitzvah horah was shortlived.
thought i would throw in a picture of the cab ride home too. thats a highway on-ramp.

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